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Kelly Ishmael

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I have kept a personal journal for many years, but I started writing publicly in August 2010 when my daughter, my only child, was starting her senior year of high school. My empty-nest was looming large, and as I sat down to type out that first blog post, my plan was to document the process – an online journal so to speak. Then when Kelsey started her freshman year of college, I figured all would be well and that would be that. All my loose ends would be tied up. End of story.

Only it wasn’t the end. And NO ONE has been more surprised by that fact than me.

Empty-nesting is not for the faint of heart. Letting go was one tough pill to swallow and I have choked on it more times than I care to admit. And then in the year or so that followed my daughter leaving for college, I found myself on an often uncomfortable journey in self-discovery. But once I was able to lean in to the emptiness, that’s when everything changed.

A very big part of this journey was the revelation that there is more to me than my roles as a wife and mother. And because of that, I discovered that my nest wasn’t really empty, it just had a little growing room. So that’s what I’ve spent the past several years of my life doing – growing, exploring, and learning how to live an inspired and intentional life.

From an empty nest to an abundant life, all it took was a little time, a lot of faith, and the courage to see my life differently. My hope is that by sharing my story, it will encourage others as they work through this challenging transition in life and provide some light for them on their own journeys.


